
Liz Durrett - The Mezzanine

歌手名称:Liz Durrett
专辑名称:The Mezzanine
公司厂牌:Warm Electric
风格类型:Indie Folk


倘若你是一名唱作人,你可会想到你在大约十年前私密地灌录的歌曲,竟会在今天原汁原味地被出版成唱片吗?这样的故事,便发生在美国乔治亚州Athens的女创作歌手Liz Durrett身上。
Liz在乔治亚州独立厂牌Warm Electronic Recordings旗下发表的这处女专辑Husk,便是结集着她於1993至1996年间所收录的一批歌曲,那时相信她还是一名十来岁的妙龄少女。为Liz伴奏的Vic Chesnutt(乔治亚州Urban-Folk唱作人、据知R.E.M.的Michael Stipes也是他的歌迷)和Tina Chesnutt是她的Uncle与Auntie,后者也是唱片的监製兼录音师,而一曲BC里又有她的祖母Ruby Whatley客串,感觉是很家庭式製作。

Some years back, the Southern literary magazine The Oxford American questioned whether anything of the Southern gothic still remained. Had Southern heritage and culture survived or had it all been paved over to make room for chain stores? Well, for those who hold that The North won the war, but Wal-Mart won The South, you might have a reason to stop fretting for a few moments. The Mezzanine, by Athens Georgia resident, Liz Durrett, is a beautiful album that mixes evocative images, dreamy ballads, and spooky lullaby-like songs into a haunting pastiche of dusty portraits, kudzu vines, creaky floorboards, and children's toys. At times, The Mezzanine bears a resemblance to the songs of Cat Power's Moonpix. The title song is certainly a stand out, but there are many good songs on this album. Durrett doesn't wear her Southerness like banner, but if you look with the right eyes, you'll find it. For some, it may be a grateful reminder that contemporary Southern music isn't yet entirely reducibly to the corporate designed Dixie-fried hat acts from Nashville.



01. Knives At The Wall
02. All The Spokes
03. Cup On The Counter
04. Mezzanine, The
05. CreepyAsKudzu
06. Marlene
07. Silent Partner
08. Shivering Assembly
09. Little Ascendant
10. No Apology
11. In The Throes

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